Excerpt:.Joy. SatirePrickly Pear. SculptureHoya. Secret LoveYellow Acacia. SemblanceSpiked Speedwell. SensitivenessMimosa. SensualitySpanish Jasmine. SeparationCarolina Jasmine. SeverityBranch of Thorns. ShamePeony. SharpnessBarberry Tree. SicknessAnemone (Zephyr Flower). SillinessFool's Parsley. SimplicityAmerican Sweetbrier. SincerityGarden Chervil. Slighted loveYellow Chrysanthemum. SnareCatchfly. Dragon Plant. SolitudeHeath. SorrowYew. Sourness of TemperBarberry. SpellCircæa. SpleenFumitory. Splendid beautyAmaryllis. SplendourAusturtium. SportingFox-tail Grass. Stedfast PietyWild Geranium. StoicismBox Tree. StrengthCedar. Fennel. SubmissionGrass. SubmissionHarebell. Success crown your wishesCoronella. SuccourJuniper. Sunbeaming eyesScarlet Lychnis. SurpriseTruffle. SusceptibilityWax Plant. SuspicionChampignon. SympathyBalm. SympathyThrift. TalentWhite Pink. TardinessFlax-leaved Goldy-locks. TasteScarlet Fuchsia. TearsHelenium. TemperanceAzalea. TemptationApple. ThankfulnessAgrimony. The colour of my fateCoral Honeysuckle. The heart's mysteryCrimson Polyanthus. The perfection of female lovelinessJusticia. The witching soul of musicOats. ThoughtsPansy. Thoughts of absent friendsZinnia. Thy frown wilt kill meCurrant. Thy smile I aspire toDaily Rose. TiesTendrils of Climbing Plants. TimidityAmaryllis. TimidityMarvel of Peru. TimeWhite Poplar. TranquillityMudwort. TranquillityStonecrop. Tranquillize my anxietyChristmas Rose. Transient beautyNight-blooming Cereus. Transient impressionsWithered White Rose. Transport of joyCape Jasmine. TreacheryBilberry. True loveForget Me Not. True FriendshipOak-leaved Geranium. TruthBittersweet Nightshade. TruthWhite Chrysanthemum. UnanimityPhlox. UnbeliefJudas Tree. Unceasing remembranceAmerican Cudweed. Unchanging friendshipArbor Vitæ. Unconscious beautyBurgundy Rose. Unexpected meetingLemon Geranium. Unfortunate attachmentMourning Bride. Unfortunate loveScabious. UnionWhole Straw. UnityWhite and Red Rose together.
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