This handbook has been designed for a tool to be utilized by administrators currently in the field, those new and seasoned administrators who may be beginning their first year as a chief school administrator, Board of Education Trustees looking to examine the role of the school superintendent as chief school administrator, and those graduate students in educational leadership courses who are working within lectures to bridge the theory into practice as they prepare for leadership roles and standardized licensing exams that require a formidable knowledge of the world of the chief school administrator. As a proponent of having a strong knowledge base as it pertains to the broad scope of the core principals of child law and administrative policies in dealing with the day-to-day interactions of the Office, each chapter provides the reader with insight into an integral process pertinent to a topic paramount to the success of any leader who has elevated, or aspires as such, to the role of schools' chief in any district in the United States. As specific laws and protocols may be attenuated across borders, the basic concepts, theories, and obstacles remain the same. There is no one...or twenty books that can define and prepare a school administrator for every situation that he will face on any given day. However, there are specific areas of the job description that can be learned and used as a foundation for further investigation and inquiry into particular decisions and matters of interest. A true leader can never be too prepared for any mission, especially when she is charged with strengthening the future of the community and encouraging fortitude in her administrators, teachers, and students.
Chapter 1: The Chief School Administrator
What is a Superintendent/Chief School Administrator?
Take a Deep Breath
I.N.S.I.S.T. Protocol
Perception, Law, and the Student: Are the buildings safe?
New to the District
The Cabinet
Writing a Job Description
Being Politically Savvy (not Political)
Working with your Board
Utilizing Your Board Attorney
The Legal Opinion
Utilizing Your Association Attorney
Liability Insurance
Establishing the Chain of Command
Know the Code of Ethics
Update Trustees with Legal and Personnel Matters
Diffuse a Board Meeting Issue Before its Public
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 2: Education Law and Policy
Board Policy
Affirmative Action
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Title I
Section 504
Compulsory Attendance, Truancy, and Homeschooling
Opting Out of Federal Assessments
Court Related Case Summary: HIB (Hector F. v. El Centro Elementary School District)
Court Related Case Summary: Compulsory Education (Jonathan L. v. Superior
Court of Los Angeles)
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 3: Child Welfare and Policy
Confidentiality and the Rights of a Minor
Supreme Court Related Case Summary: FERPA (Owasso Independent School District No. I-011, aka Owasso Public Schools, et al. v. Falvo, parent and next friend of her minor children, Pletan, et al.
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 4: Juvenile Justice Law and Policy
Criminalizing School Behavior: School to Prison Pipeline
Student Threats and Preventative Discipline
Threats to Teachers
Weapons in School: Zero Tolerance
Students and Drugs
School Safety Teams
Student Walkouts
Court Related Case Summary: First Amendment (Cuff v. Valley Central School District)
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 5: Family Law and Policy
In Loco Parentis vs. Parens Patriae
Division of Youth and Family Services (Child and Protective Services)
Divorce and Custody
McKinney-Vento Act (Homeless Children/Families)
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 6: Mental Health Law and Children
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 7: Childrens Health Law and Policy
Life-threatening Food Allergies
Court Related Case Summary: Immunizations (United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit)
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 8: Resources for Child Assistance
Mental Health Organizations
Summary and Future Considerations
Chapter 9: Writing Correspondence and Future Legal Considerations
Be Direct
Be Timely
Write to Your Audience
Be Reassuring
Local Authorities, Bodies, and Organizations
Provide Resources (Websites)
Provide Legal Research/Policies
Spelling/Grammar Check
Attorney Review
Chapter 10: Im Not Responsible, but I am to Blame
Crisis Pans
Test Breaches
Mandatory Professional Development
Reporting Abuse
NCAA Clearinghouse
Late Reporting (grants, etc.)
Board Policy
Hey, how long has that mound of soil been there?
Lead, and Asbestos, and Mold, Oh My!
Audits and Corrective Actions
Protecting Students and Hiring Employees
Chapter 11: How to Pass a Referendum for Construction Projects
Political Atmosphere
Hiring a Consultant
Parent Meetings
Q& A with Legal Counsel, Bond Counsel, and Architects
Follow Board Policies on Electioneering
Meet with Special Interest Groups
Email for Questions and Answers
Multiple Languages
Host Building Tours
About the Author