Spiritual inner life - isn't it something only for monks and nuns? How to build a spiritual inner life as a Christian layman? This book contains a step-by-step instruction on how to obtain a rich spiritual inner life, which is otherwise admired only to saints. Every baptized Christian is a temple of God. Unfortunately, many people don't remember that and don't care. Some don't know what this actually means in concrete terms for them. It appears quite diffuse. Some are not sure how to worship and adore God. God is not complicated and there is also no special knowledge required.
Neopubli GmbH
Sebastian Stude
Köpenicker Straße 154a
DE 10997 Berlin
Geb. 1971, Österreich. Abitur 1991, mehrere Berufsabschlüsse. Studium Theologie und Religionspädagogik. 1997: Umzug nach Deutschland, Seit 2003: schriftstellerisch aktiv. 2012: Initiatorin der Kriegsenkel-Gruppe München. Ab 2014: Veröffentlichung meiner Werke als eBooks.