This book re-examines Christs hospitality from an African perspective. It sets out on the premise that Christ is the ideal model of hospitality that African Christianity has to draw some vital lessons from - as Africa embarks on a theology of reconstruction, renewal, restoration, development, ecology and reconciliation. In its methodology, it traces the concept of hospitality from ancient to the present times - and engages it with contemporary African concerns. The author is optimistic that even though Africa may be walking through the valley of darkness and death, there is no cause for alarm as Christs hospitality will manifest itself in all spheres of life, and thereby aid Africa to deliver the promise. To this end, a passionate appeal is made to the twenty-first century Africa: "Come on! Swim into action and address your own challenges" such as sexism, negative ethnicity, regionalism and xenophobia, violence, poverty, HIV and AIDS, hunger, corruption and all abuses of African hospitality in light of Christ's ideal hospitality.
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Dr. Julius Gathogo,is a prolific writer and lecturer at KenyattaUniversity. He is also the author of six other books. That is,Simplified Sociology For Beginners, Simplified Psychology ForBeginners. Others include: The Pangs of Birth in AfricanChristianity, Liberation and Reconstruction in Africa, Christ'sHospitality and African Hospitality.