Die gefährdete Staatlichkeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Beiträge zur Bewahrung ihrer verfassungsrechtlichen Organisationsstruktur, Beiträge zu Grundfragen des Rechts 13, Beiträge zu Grundfragen des Rechts 13
Erschienen am
13.08.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
Changes in the organisational structure of the Federal Republic of Germany can be observed at all democratic decision-making levels - at the local level, at federal state level and at federal level. In the light of the departure from beaurocratic administrative rule (that is required by constitutional law) that this entails, Germany must be understood as a state without a real executive. What is more, the emergent monopolisation of state will-formation through the political parties as well as the questionable democratic legitimacy of the European Union means that the key requirement of the Basic Law; that all state power emanates from the people (alone); is being undermined. It is the aim of the studies in this volume to explain this development and the consequent necessity to amend the constitutional law.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Theaterstraße 13
DE 37073 Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Albert Janssen war als Jurist im Dienst des Landes Niedersachsen und als Apl. Professor an der Universität Hannover tätig.