Environmental pollution has become a serious issue with the rapid industrialization. It is realized that public perception of water quality is greatly influenced by the color and color is the first contaminant to be recognized in wastewater. Dyes used in textile industries are serious pollutants. Though there are various methods for water treatment, adsorption is widely used. Adsorbents are generally expensive and using them in wastewater treatment would not be an economical solution for developing countries. Thus, this book mainly focuses on low cost naturally available adsorbents for removal of dye from wastewater and should be able help the textile industries adapt a low cost water treatment method for removal of dye from water before discharging it into water bodies.
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Ms.A.S. Nuzla Baanu, B.Sc (Eng) Hons (UOM, Sri Lanka); Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. Ms.Keerthana Baskaran, B.Sc (Eng) Hons (UOM, Sri Lanka); Design & Development Executive, FMJ Holdings, Sri Lanka.Mr.N.Z.Mohamed, B.Sc (Eng) Hons (UOM, Sri Lanka); Miller, Prima Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka.