System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a popular practice being adopted worldwide to reap rich harvest. In the recent past, the successful SRI practices are being inculcated to other crops in the name of System of Crop Intensification (SCI). The SCI practices also proved to increase the yield levels more than two times. In pursuit of extending the beneficial effect of SRI to SCI in finger millet, the present study was programmed. Finger millet is an important small millet crop ranked third in India in area and production; staple food crop in hilly regions, grown for grain and fodder and cultivated up to an elevation of 3000 metre. By virtue of its superior nutritional quality and dietary fiber, finger millet provides nutritional security to resource-poor farmers. Germinating grains can be malted and fed to infants also. Adoption of SCI practices may enhance the productivity and in turn possible to increase farm income and nutritional security.
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Rajesh, holds masters degree from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, currently working as Assistant manager (Rural Development) in a financial institution. Dr. Velayudham, Professor of Agronomy for 30 years in TNAU. Dr. Thavaprakaash, Assistant Professor of Agronomy in TNAU with current interest on weather and crops.